Thursday, May 15, 2008

No Fear, Rejoice in Christ! - May 15, 2008

Good Thursday morning! The clouds are moving in very quickly this morning, probably a sign of rain today. The question today is: what have you or I to fear when the Creator of all the universe loves us? The fears and phobias of this world are many. The media inundates us with stories of weather tragedies, accidents, deaths, wars, battles, and crimes; perhaps thinking that the more we fear, the more of their product we will pay for through subscription or advertising. The media moguls may have a point, for people can and do become news junkies. With all of the bad news, where is the good news outlet? Is there some media outlet that will tell us that 6+ billion people did not die today, or that several million babies were born to blessed parents all over the world today? No, we are left to realize that for ourselves. However, one source of good news does stand out from all the bad news of the world; the Bible. The Good News of Jesus is available to all who will listen and hear the Word of God. Any of us can read about all the terrible things that happened to Jesus at the end of His life so many years ago, but the news does not stop there! Reading on we find that Jesus rose again! Hundreds of eye witnesses saw, heard, and touched Him after the world had executed Him. How is that possible? Whatever made the creation think that the Creator would allow His own Son to die forever?

Rejoice, for Jesus has risen again and He is Lord!


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