Wednesday, January 09, 2008

What is your path? - January 9, 2008

Good morning, the light of a new day arrives once more! God's way is not our way. That may cause some to stop and wonder if my train stopped a bit short of the station. However, I will stand by that statement because the Bible confirms it. God's ways are as far above the ways of man as the heavens are above the earth. You may have read a statement very much like that in the Bible. I thought of this during my morning reading. In this world, children and adults are pressured to become something. Everyone seems to want their child to be a this or a that, to hold some title or job throughout their lives. God may not want a person to be one thing throughout his or her life, or He may want them to start at a young age and become the best they can be at one job only. We cannot say what our children will grow up to become and as adults we may not find only one career that suits us for 50 years. This world likes its molds; he is this, she is that, you are a plumber, and I am a blacksmith, and we must be that for our entire life. It is quite possible that any of us may find that our calling has changed in this life. The Lord may want a person to give up a particular career and take up a different plow for the remainder of his or her time on this earth.

You may have read the books about finding your perfect career that use a parachute as their metaphor. I chose the plow to illustrate that what may seem to be an image of drudgery, walking behind a plow, is not for the person called to be a farmer. What to you or I might seem a life of drudgery, is a life of joy for the one called to that career. If you feel great stress each day at work, it is possible that the Lord wants you to be doing something else. I use "possible" in the sense that you or I may also be going through a time of testing and that we will come out the other side with a renewed sense of joy in our current career. No one but God has all of the answers for another person. Prayer is the place to start if you feel that you are not in the right place in your life. Seek God's guidance in His Word and in prayer. Speak with trusted counselors and weigh their advice in prayer and meditation in the Lord. As always this advice goes for me too.

Trust in the Lord with your life, and as our friends down under like to say, "no worries, mate!"


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