Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Healing Touch - January 26, 2008

Good Saturday morning! Today, I read what God said to Ezekiel after the intial vision. Once more I read where a prophet is not just called to spread a message, but is given the tools to perform. Magical things happen in the Bible, but why are we not able to do magic? My first thought is that God reserves some things unto himself so that we do not fall into pride. If we could heal everyone in the world with a touch, any of us would immediately rush out to do just that. However, sooner or later, probably sooner, we would fall to the adulation of the world and start thinking thoughts like, "They love me, look what I have done for them!", while failing to give the glory and credit to God who granted that healing power. Pride would have taken over and destroyed us at that moment. We very keenly feel our limitations in this world. How much more do you think the Son of God felt His limitations while on this earth? It is good that we feel compassion and an earnest desire to heal suffering in this world. Pray that God will heal and that His will be done, not your will or my will. We may not see the reason for suffering right now, but God will not let anyone suffer without good reason.

I have been praying for someone's healing, a man who has suffered much on this earth. At times I feel the helplessness of not having the ability to heal when I want it to happen, and I am sure that each of you face similar situations. In a way it is good that I wish to walk over and heal this man with a touch, to ease his suffering immediately. It is also good that I don't have that power, that the power resides in God and not me. God does not succumb to pride, whereas I need the grace of the Holy Spirit to avoid pride in the least of things. Feeling down because you and I were not born with the powers of a superman? Well, praise God that we are not secure in our own super powers! All of us will do great things in Christ, but it will be under His authority and not our own. There is no sin of pride in telling God, "How Great Thou Art!"

God's blessings go with you this fine weekend!


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