Monday, July 30, 2007

July 30, 2007

Good morning on this great and glorious Monday! What about the other guy? Today I thought about the other person. Often in situations we tend to think first of ourselves and only much later of the other person. When someone is in a position to serve us, perhaps a nurse, doctor, waiter, or other position, we judge them quickly on their performance without stopping to consider their life and what may be going on in it. Servers are expected to put aside all personal feelings or problems and do their job cheerfully. However, we all know that is not so easy. A medical problem doesn't simply go away while a person is at work and may constantly remind them that it is there. It is easy to tell someone else how to solve their problems or to offer unsolicited advice on how they should be doing their job. Then there is the other side of that; we might be in that same position of service and suddenly everyone else should be understanding of our problems. Yes, we seem to be stuck in that beam and mote thing again.

Praise the Lord for the saving power of Jesus Christ! That power does more than grant salvation to us; it cleanses us of bad attitudes and helps us to see the other person as someone with needs and problems much like our own. God doesn't banish all of our problems when we become Christians, and one reason for that might be so that we remember that the other person is hurting too. I once thought all of my problems were unique and that no one understood. As I have grown in Christ, it is a comfort to know that others suffer similar problems and that I can help them or they can help me. No problem is too big for our great God, and sharing our joy and our trials with each other helps to heal and gives us hope. Jesus told us to love one another, and that command still holds true today. It is for our own good that we love others, and it is for their good that they love each of us.

God loves you with a God-sized and enduring love,


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