Monday, July 23, 2007

July 23, 2007

Good morning. Yesterday, while doing more of that homework stuff, I noticed a flock of geese flying south. A glance at the calendar told me that this probably had a lot more to do with a lake or pond than any approach of cold weather. If geese needed to fly south on July 22, we would be in what the atmospheric scientists like to call "big trouble". I don't like the season of hot weather, but I am not quite ready for winter just yet.

This morning I read in Jonah about his getting tossed off the ship. The sailors were not bad people, after learning that Jonah had disobeyed God and that they should throw him overboard, they still tried to row back to safety. They couldn't fight God though and were forced to toss Jonah overboard, at which time the storm stopped. Their amazement caused them to pledge their obedience to the Lord and offer him a sacrifice. The Lord can work even in our disobedience! Not that we should make a habit of that; Jonah spent three days in a big fish, probably a whale, but the Bible translation I use says big fish. Jonah goes on to say that when he had lost all hope, his thoughts turned to the Lord. Isn't that the truth? When we are doing well, we don't think of salvation. It seems that at least most of us must hit bottom in our life before we will turn to the Lord. I was no different and I suspect that you came to that same point in your life as well. There is no better one to cry out to in our despair than the Lord who created the heavens and the earth. Praise God for the love of our Father in Heaven!

May God be with you this week,


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