Monday, September 16, 2024

To His Glory

When Jesus heard that, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” John 11:4

Monday again? Already? Yes, I am in that stage of life when the weeks and months seem to go by rather quickly at times.

In this verse for today there is a great deal to unpack. Jesus said that Lazarus' sickness was not unto death, and yet we know from the story that He waited so that Lazarus would die before He arrived. This would not be the only time that disciples of Jesus both then and in our day have not understood what Jesus said. We also know from the story that Lazarus spent one more day in the tomb than Jesus did. Is there something we can learn from that? One thing we can take from this verse is that those who believe in Jesus are not exempt from fatal illness. And? Yes, don't forget the other part, that Jesus to His glory and God's is also able to restore and revive us from that place we see as death.

Therefore, does Jesus not see that period of time each of us may spend in the grave as death? Perhaps not. But we learn in this verse that the resurrection of a man who died in the way that we see as dead is for the glory of God and to glorify the Son. And? Yes, and it also shows to us that through Jesus that death thing is not permanent! So, if your illness or mine does take us to the place where we rest in death, no worries! Jesus will come in His perfect time to fetch us back to His place of life.

Rejoice in His good news!


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