Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Man Changed

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

Our verse for today comes from a man who, along with his fellow disciples, had quite failed to understand or believe what Jesus had said about His coming death and resurrection. Years later, John would write these magnificent words about our Lord Jesus. What marvelous change Jesus had made upon this man who had been called from the fishing trade in Galilee. And yet we know from the gospels that the change took more than three years under the personal discipleship of our Lord Himself, a visit with the Lord in His glory along with Elijah, Moses, and the voice of God; some time with the risen Savior, and then an outpouring of the Spirit of God in a most startling manner. So, given that we must learn by faith from John's testimony of all that. If your anticipated change after being saved by the Lord has not seemed to go as far or as fast as you might like... be patient and wait on the Lord!

We are His work in progress!


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