Friday, September 20, 2024

A Silent Testimony

And Jesus said to him, “See that you tell no one; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.” Matthew 8:4

"See that you tell no one," would appear to contradict later commands to spread the good news. However, we can read that this command was given to just one person and not even the disciples, and at a time prior to the commission at the end of Matthew's gospel. While the testimony was to be silent this time, there were actions commanded by Jesus to testify of His healing. We too may be led by the Lord's Spirit to speak out at one time, while to show our faith by actions at another time. This may appear to contradict the teachings of your favorite evangelical preacher from these latter days.

As a writer from the word, I can tell you that it is easier for me to grab a verse or two from the Bible and fire off a singular solution for your testimony. As Jesus our Lord made the commands according to His time and timing to the healed leper here and the disciples there, we too should go to Him in prayer inquiring each time. The Spirit of our Lord will guide us to a showing or a telling, or even a combination at any given time as we follow our Lord bearing the good news.

Showing or telling, it's still a testimony!


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