Thursday, September 26, 2024

Still Feeling A Bit Dumb?

Jesus used this illustration, but they did not understand the things which He spoke to them. John 10:6

This verse for today follows a particular teaching of our Lord Jesus, but it could be tagged on to a great many of them. If you feel a bit dumb this morning over a passage of scripture or a teaching of Jesus from the gospels, join the club! We all have much to learn in Christ our Lord, and we have the company of those twelve disciples as they are the 'they' in this verse. With about three years of direct teaching from the Man Himself, still those disciples struggled to understand the teachings of Jesus. Many times they probably felt like we do, just a bit on the dumb side. Therefore be patient in the Lord. Does your rushing mighty wind (Acts 2) feel more like a slight breeze? Patience, the disciples had to wait for a time too. And, our Lord may not do things the same way for everyone who comes to believe in Him.

Trust in His way and timing!


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