Thursday, May 23, 2024

Taking Up The Sword

And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh. Revelation 19:21

Welcome to the next Internet outage for Spring 2024! This time we will take some steps to confront this shameful state of service. By the verse I selected for today, you might be thinking of a call to the authorities to report impending violence. While I am a bit miffed to wake up to my Internet service being out once again, whacking them with a sword is not my intention. Taking up the sword of the word for us means to bring the good news of Jesus. Or, to defend ourselves from the attacks of those powers and principalities of this present darkness who are not flesh and blood, as Paul told us in Ephesians. You and I have quoted the word to others in our time, and I have never yet seen anyone bleed from it. Which makes that verse in the Revelation all the more interesting. The sword comes from His mouth, which sounds to us like that same sword of the word, and yet in that case armies are slain and carrion birds come to gorge. So, take up the sword of the word carefully with love and mercy. If slaying must come, let us leave it to Him who sat on the horse! 

So, from another place which thankfully has Internet service, glory to God our Father!


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