Thursday, May 02, 2024

Happy...National Day Of Prayer!

Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we set a watch against them day and night.  Nehemiah 4:9

As my birthday comes in the early days of May, and the National Day of Prayer comes on the first Thursday of that month, every few years I enjoy the privilege of those coming together for a special day of prayer. On those days, I like to ask for a birthday present of prayer. Pray for someone who has hurt you. Pray for our nation and its many disagreements. Pray for one another and pray for your beloved ones. Get with God and pray. 

This verse fits us well today, or maybe it doesn't? For example, one of the times each day I make my prayers to God comes in the late evening and then I fall asleep. In the trying time Nehemiah faced rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, they made their prayer and then set a watch, day and night. Circumstances may not allow for praying and then relaxing in sleep, but call for praying and then taking action. 

Praise God for all the times that bring us to prayer!


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