Monday, May 20, 2024

Seasonal Times, Seasonal Purposes

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven.
  -- Ecclesiastes 3:1

The season of planting may be finished for southern farms or getting close to finished for those way up north. At that time of the year, farmers set up highly specialized machines costing several hundred thousand dollars, use them for a couple of weeks, and then put them up until the winter maintenance cycle arrives. However, for all that expense, the planter cannot do its work without a tractor that could cost upwards of a cool million dollars itself. And then there are the inputs: chemicals, seed, labor, fuel, and others. None of this gets the farmer a paycheck, that comes in a different season. If all of this sounds like an expensive gamble to you, there certainly is that element of farming since no one knows but God what the world will look like in a few months when the harvest season comes. Oh, and that expensive planter we started with... will be completely useless in the harvest season.

Solomon, the writer of Ecclesiastes lived thousands of years ago, but those seasons he saw still have their times and purposes. Praise God for the season!


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