Thursday, May 16, 2024

Know The Good Shepherd

The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. John 10:13-14

In our two verses for this morning we have a contrast between a keeper hired for the task and the shepherd who owns the sheep. In this lifetime, each of us has experienced the care of a shepherd or two who didn't really care all that much for the flock except for what they could do by way of working. You may even have worked in one of those places where the CEO-shepherd earned 400 times your rate of pay. Or you may enjoy following politics and know that to any of the President-shepherds you are but a vote on a tally or a number on a poll. Compare that to the Good Shepherd who is known by His sheep and knows each one of them personally. A President of our nation, exalted (or hated) though he may be, cannot possibly know each of the 330 million or so residents scattered about the place. But the Good Shepherd knows all of those and many more, and whether they belong to His flock or not.

Know the Good Shepherd, because He certainly knows you!


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