Thursday, May 30, 2024

Come To The Shepherd

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27

So, you went to the city council saying, "Please let me represent the city in the Big Contest next week!" And they unanimously responded, "Please don't!" Come to the Shepherd, He needs sheep just like you to represent Him.

So, your skills in the company are held in such high regard that when you showed up to the Big Company Project saying, "Let me help you!", the entire project team suddenly found religion and prayed, "Lord help us!" Come to the Shepherd, He allows His sheep to help on all His projects.

So, you volunteered to lead the big thing at church, because you are such a great leader that you... turned around to find the entire congregation running the other way with surprising vigor. Come to the Shepherd and learn to follow Him. You and I may not be the great leader, or contest winner, or even any help at all to some, but we have a Good Shepherd who calls His sheep to lead us home.

To paraphrase the great president: The world will little note, nor long remember, how many times it rejected us, but it must never forget the Good Shepherd who died to save His sheep.


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