Wednesday, November 01, 2023

God Is Near To Us

so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;  Acts 17:27

Pardon me a moment while I upset the physicists and correctomizers out there. These past few days I got to experience a bit of the olden times as the early cold snap caught me in the middle of a window replacement project. Yes, I have five single pane windows just like our grandparents did back in the day. And one could actually watch the cold seeping in and freezing ice inside the house on those panes. Today the cold temps are to move on and we will continue the project. And Halloween is over, woohoo! Plus ten months of this year have passed... how did that happen? And, what's with that verse up there? Are you just going to babble away the morning? Beware the writer's babble! It's a thing. 

Paul spoke to the Athenians one day about a particular monument they had there in the Areopagus. And what he said here in our verse for today might cause an unbeliever to have a few hairs stand right up on end. God is not far from each one of us! Sometimes we are led to think that spooks and spectres might be close by. And maybe it's true because they like the company of God too! As we believe in our Savior, let us welcome the company of God near each one of us. 

Have a wonderful new day in God's company!


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