Wednesday, November 08, 2023

What now?

You think you're better than I am,
using my humiliation as evidence of my sin.
-- Job 19:5  NLT

You think you're... and there are a host of judgments we add to those two words and a contraction to make ourselves look smart in our own eyes. When Job used it against his friends, he didn't have to read their minds as they had gone on at length telling him their thoughts. When we use the old you-think-you're, we often base our judgment on sketchy evidence and even mere wishes. Yesterday, we studied a story where the prophet Jeremiah was put in the stocks. He was humiliated but not by any sin he had done. Christians may be humiliated by persecutions, but our great lesson from Jesus and Job is that we cannot judge by the circumstances. So, when someone comes to us for help in a humiliated position, perhaps a bit of prayer would help us to avoid that rush to judgment. And maybe too we can avoid a sharp you think you're so... comment on our character. 

Wonder what made me think of this today? What did I do wrong now? Mayhap it was nothing like that at all!

Love to you in Christ our Lord,


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