Thursday, November 09, 2023

Are We The Biggest?

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  John 14:1

Today, I come to you from what may well be the largest sect of Christianity. Nope, larger than the Catholic or the Orthodox. Larger even than the sum of the Protestants and the many smaller cults and individuals. Yes, we are the worriers, the very ones Jesus addresses directly with His divine command in our verse for today: Let not your heart be troubled. And yet, there we are in violation of our Lord's commandment: worried. Why are we worried? The most likely causes are looking around at the world, looking at or within ourselves, or looking to our siblings in Christ for reassurance instead of looking to the One who saved us in the first place! The second part of this commandment tells it to us: believe also in Me. By this Jesus removes any doubt that He and God are One. For we know by the scriptures that to worship, trust in, or believe in any but God is to be guilty of idolatry. Therefore to believe in Jesus is to believe in God, or we are not but poor deceived idolaters. And I believe that Jesus my Lord could never command that of anyone! 

So, to me and all of us worriers: It is time to dissolve this awful sect by believing in Jesus and let not our hearts be troubled!


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