Monday, October 30, 2023

Incentive To Pray

One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up. Luke 18:1

Last week my story of long ago came out a bit more, but there is always the temptation to talk about me. However, there is also that pull of the Spirit to talk about the Son of God. While my story and His story do walk hand in hand at times back in the day, it is the journey with Him now that we like to talk about. In Luke 18, Jesus tells the disciples a story to emphasize the need to pray without giving up over any issue that has gone unanswered. The woman in another story who suffered for 12 years could be another example. How many times did she pray over her problem? We likely couldn't count that many even if we did know each instance. Each of us likely has one or more long term problems that give us incentive to come to the Lord in prayer. If nothing else we are all getting older, and that alone gives reasons for prayer and supplication as we break down like old machines in need of constant repair and maintenance. Whoops! Sorry, what a way to start your week on a sour note.

Thank you, dear God, that we are getting older and growing day by day closer to our meeting with Your Son Jesus!


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