Friday, August 18, 2023

He Went There!

If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also.  Matthew 5:40

A heart-warming movie came out a few years ago, and I still have a copy of it on the shelf. This movie became famous enough that with a few words you will know the title and story. However, these past few days the movie has gained a certain other kind of fame, lawsuit fame. Yes, he went there. A relationship can survive many tribulations, but sometimes the filing of a lawsuit brings to mind breakage and a kind of divorce. This morning after reading yet another headline on the case, the thought came to me of this teaching of our Lord Jesus. I wonder, can they go here in response to this lawsuit? Could I, given a similar situation? How about you? I can only tell you about myself, and I would not be able to do it in my own strength. Nope, this would be one for the Lord and His greater-than-me power and ability. I don't mean that I would count on the Lord to force me into it, only that in order to obey the teachings of my Lord, I need the Lord Jesus to strengthen me. I cannot know if that famous relationship can survive this, but already for me the movie will not have the same impact and heart-warming feeling that it did before. A lawsuit can cause ripples of damage expanding outward. Could what Jesus taught in today's verse fix that? 

May God give us wisdom in this,


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