Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Achieve or Receive?

For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20

So, we left off with a question on Monday. Why should the poor in spirit change if they already have the kingdom of Heaven? That question brings up the kid's question from the back seat on a long trip: Are we there yet? So, what do we need to achieve to become poor in spirit? How do we know when we are there yet? Perhaps it isn't so much an achievement, but a state we find ourselves in. If you grew up like me 'in the church' as they say, you may think that the Beatitudes are a set of achievements. Goals to mark off on a list of things to accomplish. Then we come to a statement by Jesus that puts those who may be the best lawful accomplishers in Israel's history down as a bar to be exceeded. You may read it again up yonder in our verse for today. And if that isn't enough for your goal setting, try out verse 48 where you must be perfect!

Perhaps we can be blessed in the Beatitudes when we see that this is all a journey we go on with Jesus our Lord, and that He is in charge of the destinations. The whole achievement misunderstanding falls apart on the second one anyway. Who would want to achieve mourning?

Love to you in Christ our Lord,


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