Monday, December 12, 2022

Warning Words

“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me. Ezekiel 3:17

Yesterday, I got the quilts out from their storage. The day belied the need for them but warning words had come from the watchers. To the north we have blizzard warnings this morning; for us only a winter storm watch. Either way, our autumn comes to a close about a week early. We too have a duty as watchers for God to warn those who think things will simply continue on to some far distant conclusion. Reading in the Revelation this weekend, there is a warning there too of a storm coming. Do we continue on as if this storm will never break over us, as the world wants to do, or do we give warning words? Imagine some friends leaving to go north into that warning zone this afternoon in a car unsuited to traversing a blizzard. We would warn them.

Have a great and exciting week in Christ as we watch for Him!


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