Saturday, December 24, 2022

Happy Christmas!

Then the dove came to him in the evening, and behold, a freshly plucked olive leaf was in her mouth; and Noah knew that the waters had receded from the earth. Genesis 8:11

Nope, no symbology or foretelling in this verse. That the angels appeared to the shepherds at night in Luke 2 and make us think of an evening birth is just coincidence. Then our Lord was baptized by John with water and the Holy Spirit of God came down like a dove, just happenstance. Then Jesus said that He was the true vine and we the branches, just a mere trifle. Then Daniel foretold that the Messiah would be cut off at 62 weeks in 9:26, and that would not make us think of a freshly plucked olive branch even if Isaiah does name Him the Prince of Peace in his own chapter 9. And Noah knew that the waters of judgment had receded from the earth. I just don't see how we can see anything in this verse relating to anything else.

It requires a lot of denial to not see the beauty of the foretelling of our Lord Jesus from Genesis to the Revelation. We have peace with God through that little dove and olive branch born in Bethlehem.

Have a happy and joyous Christmas Eve in Christ our Lord!


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