Monday, December 19, 2022

Food On My Mind

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.  Genesis 9:3

After Noah and his family landed on Ararat, this dietary change was given to them by the Lord. We can hardly imagine the change from what was before the flood to what came after. However, there was also this, "And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth." (9:2) So, it wasn't like Noah could just run up and take a bite of these moving feasts, er, beasts, but the art of pursuit and hunting came to be. Does that mean that the wedding feast of the Lamb told in the Revelation will be more steak or more potatoes? It may be both, or neither. For in each great change in the word there tends to be, well , great change. If the washing of the flood brought one change, what will the washing of the blood of the Lamb bring to us? Even sticking with the diet theme, as I have food on my mind this morning, we can hardly imagine what food will be served at that great feast. New wine would be a good thing to count on, Jesus made that promise to us just before the cross. 

Challenges abound, but Jesus has blessed us this morning!


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