Friday, December 09, 2022

For Us Today

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

There are those times when one might think that to live back then, any then will do, that things would be just so much better as we walked with the Lord. This statement from Hebrews is one of a great many in the Bible directed at us as we try to deceive ourselves into thinking that this other time would be better for us. We are given today, right now in fact, and that is it. Flying in the face of my youthful desire for several science fiction shows, I can no more go forward or back in time than I can wish myself to Jupiter. While you and I can both imagine ourselves in another time and place quite easily, that isn't living. The wonderful reason that we live in the here and now is that Jesus our Lord stays the same, perfect and wonderful, everyday as He walks with us and we with Him.

Persevere and continue on the way with our Lord Jesus!


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