Friday, November 12, 2021

​Windy Night!

He who observes the wind will not sow,
​​And he who regards the clouds will not reap.
     -- Ecclesiates 11:4

By golly, we do observe the weather a bit out in these parts. Those parts of course being pretty much wherever humans are this morning. In my defense, I would tell King Solomon that it is more the exceptions that I observe than the normals. This verse is one of those pastoral sorts of images that tell each of us to quit gawping at the sky and get back to work. Certainly it is okay to notice the weather, but if talking about and gazing at the sky is all we do then the seeds don't get planted and the watering isn't done and we end up with a field of weeds that does no one any good. Dreams are okay too if we take them to God in prayer and set about the plan of action He lays out for us, though He may only let us see one step at a time. However, dreaming all the time results in no action in any direction and the dream will remain only a sort of floaty wish out there in the ether of the dreamer's mind.

Solomon is of course not telling us to be so blind to the weather that we walk into the side of a tornado and get sucked up to our destruction like a bug in a Shop-Vac®.

Love the Lord your God, and love one another,


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