Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veterans Day 2021

The elder and honorable, he is the head;
The prophet who teaches lies, he is the tail.
    - Isaiah 9:15

Well it's Veterans Day and I'm up, mostly, and noticing that I left the crackers open last night. Oops, guess it's old and senile veterans day too. Some of my elder veteran readers will be saying, "You ain't seen nothin' yet, sonny," or something like that. Which does bring back reminders of those times past when I arrived at Camp Lejeune and began hearing similar lines from the Marines who had seen a thing or two. As new experiences piled up, one day I would be the one greeting the new arrivals with that 'just you wait' sort of news. Is it news to you? 

Surely not, for every organization, church, company, or group we join will have its elder members greeting the new ones with their tales of the days of yore back when they were in the fight of their lives long before 'yew' was born. Here in our verse today, Isaiah passes along the word from God that it is not simply many years that gets the job as head, but honor too. The false prophet obviously does not act honorably with his lies, and an old fool wouldn't be of much help to the new folks in a group either. However, a guide, benefactor, patron, in other words, an elder with experience who uses it with honor, such persons do help the younger ones along. This is why we like to turn to the word from the one the prophet Daniel saw seated on the throne who was called the Ancient of Days. 

To all who are veterans of life on this earth, let us read together the word of life who is Jesus our Lord!


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