Monday, November 15, 2021

My Father's Good Pleasure

Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32

In the years of kings and kingdoms, one child might inherit the kingdom but not all of them. What often trips us though is that bit at the start that says, "Do not fear, little flock." One fear we can lay to rest is that of being a second or third child and ending up with nothing at the end. Jesus states that it is our Father's good pleasure to do this, and who can stop God from doing His good pleasure? Right, no one or our definition of 'the Almighty' is flawed somewhere. The Almighty gets to do what He wants and a good pleasure seems like something He would want to do! So, do not fear, little flock, God has sent His good pleasure through His Son, our Lord Jesus, and we have good reason to not fear.

Have a fearless day in Christ our Lord!


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