Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A Turning To A Better Way

For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.  1 John 2:16

Before the salvation of our Lord, what John writes in his letter describes a day quite well. From the lust to the pride, we lived it around and around in a sinful cycle. Repentance was the turning that brought us to Jesus to be saved. Like our Lord's disciples though, we have this clingy burden that followed us into our new life. The evil trio of lust, lust, and pride gives us no peace, no quarter, and assaults us at every opportunity. And as we all know their means and methods well, I don't need to provide examples. What we need is the good news of someone better who brings to us peace, love, gentleness, self-control, and, dare we hope for it, contentment. Have you noticed that when contentment comes from our Lord nothing the world offers has any hold on us? Contentment comes from a turning to a better way, His way. And, by golly, He is the Way too! 

John's verse shows how much we need our Lord's way. Paul had to learn until he could claim to have contentment. It is not an easy or quick journey from the lust and pride of this world to the contentment we find only in Christ our Lord. Have faith in Jesus that we are on the way to that place and state of contentment in Him. And 'on the way' of course means that He is leading us and we are completely dependent upon Him to get us there! 

Have a great and joyous day in Christ! 


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