Thursday, February 11, 2021

A Strong Statement To A Woman

So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her.  Genesis 29:20

As the holiday of love, or Valentine's Day comes this weekend, I thought that I might share from the Bible stories of love. That should last a bit longer than using my personal knowledge of romantic love, since all of my own experience will fit between these two brackets []. Now that we have that out of the way, Jacob made a strong statement to Rachel by his labor. While earlier there may have been a glance, a longer look, perhaps even a longing look, it was the statement of labor that spoke volumes. Those seven years of what would turn out to be fourteen, since the father-in-law was a bit of a... we'll just let you find a word for Laban, went by so quickly for Jacob that he did not consider it the burden it might have been. And yet, seven years (and seven more years) of labor speaks to commitment. Easily we may think from the state of our culture today that love is about gaining something else, but Jacob stated by those seven (+7) years that he was there to stay when Rachel needed him and not just for the honeymoon night. 

Be committed to our Lord's cause, He is the light of the world! 


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