Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Puppy Healer the Unwise

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:17

Imagine just for a moment that you have been given a rare gift, the ability to heal dogs. Yes, those pets that many of us think are among the best things in life, our canine companions; who get sick and die just the same as we do. You come upon one dog obviously in need of your healing, and without the slightest research or hesitation you heal this dog. The poor ailing doggie is saved to live out many more days on this earth by your kind attention. The family looks upon their returning and suddenly healthy pet with what can best be described as horror. What? Yes, in this rare case, the dog had turned out to be irascible in manner, a biter of the hands that fed it, an ungrateful wretch among dogs, and everyone who knew this canine cantankerous curmudgeon waited eagerly for the day it would finally die. And then along you came, Puppy Healer the Unwise. 

If anyone but our Lord Jesus saved the fallen humans, we might be faced with a similar situation. Without God's Spirit in each and every one of those who have come to believe in the Son of God, we would be faced with an eternity of life without redemption, existence without love, and an eternal continuance of living without any of the joy we have in Jesus. So close were our first ancestors to this that God quickly moved to separate them from the Tree of Life. Our salvation must be given by God through His Son Jesus, or we are in deep trouble. Praise God that Jesus is the Way, and the only way, for us to come to God the Father! 

Separations come to us in this life, but we are grateful that each is managed in the wisdom of God our Father,


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