Friday, July 17, 2020

Could It Be?

“Have you entered the treasury of snow,
Or have you seen the treasury of hail,  Job 38:22

Could it be that some small amount of that hail was dispensed around our town last night?  No, the hail of Job 38 is stored up for the day, and not just any day. The usual hail that we get most every year in the thunderstorm season is generated in the storm itself and is not reserved in a treasury of hail. Through science we have a good grasp on how that sort of hail works. One might even be dismissive of this hail if it were not for the next verse wherein God states that this particular hail is reserved for the day of battle and war. And according to the Revelation, this will be some notable hail...seriously heavy hail. 

Some of the judgments of the end time period known to us as the Tribulation are so similar in this way to something we have seen in history or know from today that we may think that we can check some of them off a checklist and move on. However, one is struck by John recording the 'and thens' as if there is an avalanche of judgments raining down on the Earth. And that describes it quite well. The judgments are attention getters for those who up to that point have refused to believe, and for those who never will. In both cases, God's judgments will do everything they are intended by Him to do. 

For this moment, there is time to believe. Pray for those who do not yet know the salvation of Jesus the Christ.


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