Friday, February 07, 2020

Start It Simple

Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? John 3:10

The Bible is a big un' among books holding so many words that to keep it in a portable form the use of onionskin paper is required. Imagine facing this tome with no idea of where to start! Many come to a church or a Christian with a conviction of their need for the Lord Jesus, but then are handed this library of old books with tales of remote beginnings and falls into sin and terrifying prophecies. What is the simple and quick part before the cares of the world return with reinforcements and the powers of the world bring their insurgents?

If one verse sums up the Bible well it must be John 3:16. 

Many a Christian can quote the rules of the religious road to us, chapter and verse. No doubt, Nicodemus could do it better. Yet, before the trust and obedience of the Christian life, there is belief in Jesus the Christ. Before we can learn to love the unlovely, we must believe in His great love for us. And when we believe in Him, we begin to understand His love so great that mercy and forgiveness of our sin is possible in Christ. 

For God so loved you and me... Amen! 


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