Friday, February 28, 2020

Not Always the Easy Way

Then Saul said, “I have sinned. Return, my son David. For I will harm you no more, because my life was precious in your eyes this day. Indeed I have played the fool and erred exceedingly.” 1 Samuel 26:21

By this time, the Lord had rejected Saul as king of Israel. Saul did not give up the throne and go into retirement willingly though. David had, just before our verse for today, spared Saul's life a second time. In both cases, the Lord, having left Saul, tested David by delivering up a Saul in a helpless state. Yes, in neither case did the two kings meet in a romantic duel to the death with swords flashing in the morning sun. This last time, David and his men walked into a camp where the Lord had placed a deep sleep on Saul and his soldiers. There was the trial of David, his enemy who sought to end his life laying there deep in sleep. David could not take the life of the Lord's anointed in this way and said as much to those with him who offered the easy solution. "I can end all this right now, just give the word!" (Not an exact quote, I paraphrased.) 

Saul knew that he had been spared a second time and gave his word not to harm David any more. And then came another test for David; to believe Saul's words or not. 

For us there will always be another test in this life, until that great day when our Lord brings us home. No one retires from the Lord's service once we come to Him for salvation. Our rest comes when He brings this world to a conclusion, whether it is in the Great Tribulation or when He brings us to His heavenly home individually according to the span of our years of service. 

This life we have in our Lord Jesus is not always the easy way. However, precious in His eyes is this life we have given to our Lord. 


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