Monday, February 17, 2020

Every Regulation

I'll say it again. If you are trying to find favor with God by being circumcised, you must obey every regulation in the whole law of Moses. Galatians 5:3

Paul spent years in school learning all of those regulations in the Word. As a Pharisee, he discussed his work with colleagues and continued to learn. One would think that he of all people would send young students through the millstones of the Law in order to impress them with its burden, but he didn't. Why not? Could it be that a thorough knowledge of the Law could not save a sinner?

I'm no genius to propose such a radical thought, Paul lays it out in his letter to the Romans quite well. The Law does not save anyone, Paul concludes. There must be a better way, perhaps an only way. 

For those who thought that to impress the Lord God was to be saved, Paul reminds them that every regulation must be obeyed in the whole law of Moses. There is an entire army of laws to obey should you decide to attempt to impress God in this way. And then you might run into those pesky prophets and Micah with his thousands of rams and rivers of oil. Few among us, maybe none among us could buy one river of oil to give to the Lord much less a plurality of them. 

The widow impressed Him by giving all she had; the rich man didn't impress the Lord at all. Why is it that we strive so hard to be rich again? Could that be related to impressing the Lord by way of the Law? 

Ow, my Monday brain hurts! Rejoice in the saving grace of Jesus Christ our Lord,


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