Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Long Gone, Far Away

Her uncleanness is in her skirts;
She did not consider her destiny;
Therefore her collapse was awesome;
She had no comforter.
“O LORD, behold my affliction,
For the enemy is exalted!” - Lamentations 1:9

The southern kingdom of Judah is long gone and far away from us as we live today, but the lessons from her collapse come down to us through the word of God. It may seem like crude imagery, the uncleanness and skirts thing, but we should not relent from describing sin in the crude terms it deserves. It was and is the watering down of sin that allowed sin words such as adultery to become an affair. Don't see anything about affairs in the ten commandments? That would of course be the point for those who want to love the darkness of sin. 

If we do not want our nation to be one of those among the long gone, far away cautionary stories of fallen man and sin we must be among those who believe in Jesus and call sin what it is. Uh, oh, he's getting preachy on us! Yes, and it is probably overdue. I fear that we do not oppose sin enough in this age, allowing everyone to go his or her own way without so much as a warning that time is short and the end near. While we look to the sky anticipating the return of our Lord Jesus, do we love those neighbors enough to say a word of warning before the time of sin's reign when the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place? 

We probably cannot imagine the horror of knowing of the Rapture but missing it to be left behind.


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