Friday, February 14, 2020

Service and Sacrifice for Love

Happy Valentine's Day!

So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her.  Genesis 29:20

Edmund St. Valentine, for whom the town is named, lived in the north Sandhills region of Nebraska, serving the final 43 years of his life ministering to the far flung ranch families in that area. The Church recognized his years of faithful service and sacrifice with canonization in 1948, making him St. Edmund St. Valentine...wait for it! I may have had a few going until that bit.


Love is of course not making a fictional character a saint but service and sacrifice, for which this ancestor of Israel, Jacob, is famous. The burden however was light upon him as his love sustained him through seven years of work for Rachel. Seven years seeming a few days is some powerful emotional propulsion too! Jacob apparently had not reached that age where several years seems like a few days because we cannot remember most of it. 

The story in this verse sounds familiar somehow... Let's see, service to the father of the bride-to-be, sacrifice for the bride, sounds a lot like the story of our Lord Jesus! Of course it does, because love is what brought the Son of God down here to save us. 

Have a loving Valentine's Day!


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