Monday, July 08, 2019

We Would Not?

 For thus says the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel:
​​“In returning and rest you shall be saved;
​​In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”
​​But you would not,
​​And you said, “No, for we will flee on horses”—
​​Therefore you shall flee!
​​And, “We will ride on swift horses”—
​​Therefore those who pursue you shall be swift!
Isaiah 30:15-16

What is it like to 'would not' before the Lord? I think we know by now through our disobedience.

When things are not going well, say in Bible study or prayer or worship, we often bend toward action. The Word of the Lord will get into my head if I just spend 12 hours of each day reading it, we say with the confidence of hard work. One commentary on the Word is not working, so surely three will do the trick. Or, I just need a different minister and all will be right between me and God, he said, right before the upheaval in the local church began. We have tried these and other things when the doldrums of the spirit have set in on us. The Israelites had a similar answer to the Lord when He spoke to them words of returning, rest, quietness, and confidence: Let us run to the hills on horseback!

Disobedience toward the Lord must be the number one reason for our struggles in the body of Christ. What's that you say? Unbelief? The unbelievers have their religious duties to help them through the tough times, or no religion to worry over at all. It is those who believe in Jesus and struggle to obey that face the dark night of the soul, the claustrophobia in the prayer closet, and an uproar in the church group. We mourn over the sudden opaqueness in the Word and the wall that seems to have sprung up between the supplicant and the Savior. And the answer may well be, "But you would not."

Love and joy in Christ to you,


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