Thursday, July 18, 2019

In The Middle Of It

“The harvest is past,
​​The summer is ended,
​​And we are not saved!” Jeremiah 8:20

In the middle of something it seems that the next thing is far away. Yesterday was hot; today is forecast as hotter; tomorrow more heat and humidity. We are in the middle of it. It being summer of course, and I didn't need to tell you that. Jeremiah warned in our verse for today that there is an ending. A time comes when that which we are in the middle of is no more and has come to a close.

As for the church age, that time between the ascension of Christ and His glorious return, we may be in the middle of it or we may be close to the ending of it. Right now we cannot see the end and it seems much the same to us as it always has been. All we know for sure is that we are not present in the beginning of it. My evidence is that I can read about Peter and Paul in the Bible, and I have not met them recently. If you just graduated high school this year, you may wonder if one or both was still alive when I was a child. Not to worry, I did the same thing to my elders when I was your age.

Yes, we are in the summer time of the church, and we do not know yet when the harvest will be over and done with. Yet, recall Jeremiah and know that the time will come when the autumn and winter of this earth has come and swiftly the end will follow. However, there comes a new season and the return of our Lord to His place to make all things new. It seems so far away from us now, but swiftly He comes!

In the name of our precious Lord Jesus,


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