Monday, February 05, 2018

How Important Is The Word?

The wise men are ashamed,
They are dismayed and taken.
Behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD;
So what wisdom do they have? Jeremiah 8:9

Every nation has some group of wise men/women serving as advisers or senators or whatever title they have in the moment. In some few states they may simply take dictation, but they are there for however long their time lasts. Those of us down, way down, on the national ladder hope that those serving on the upper rungs have a measure of wisdom from God. The question in our current time is: Do they have any wisdom at all?

In the time of Jeremiah the prophet, the wise men found themselves ashamed, dismayed and taken. This is not the end result we are hoping for from wise men. Certainly those wise men who sought out the young Christ did not end up this way. Of course they are called wise for seeking out the Lord Jesus; while the wise men Jeremiah writes of had rejected the word of God. So what wisdom do they have? Well, none at all it would seem, and in later verses they also lose their wives and lands. There would appear to be a strong connection between rejecting the word of God and losing everything.

How important is the Word of God? With it we have life in Jesus Christ. Without it...loss of all. Who will save if the Savior is rejected by the shunning of His good news? Who will redeem if the Redeemer is not taken at His word? Believe, and take the Word of God as the truth of God. For it is the word of life and light in this present darkness. I am so glad that you have accepted the Word of God in your life!

In Christ Jesus,

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