Monday, October 16, 2017

Strange Times Indeed

Your eyes will see strange things,
​​And your heart will utter perverse things. Proverbs 23:33

In Proverbs today, Solomon wrote or collected this one about what happens when a person is given over to wine, or any other alcoholic drink for that matter. Taken out of context it appears as a curse; maybe I should have used it last Friday. However, in this world of today, one might also describe following the daily news in just this same way. It fits as a description of what happens to one watching many of the prime time television shows or the movies offered to us just as well. Our culture is full of dangerous traps and snares in this age.

There may be more channels of temptation available in this age, but the temptations remain the same as what our Lord Jesus faced in His temptation: lust, greed, power, idolatry, envy, and so on. We can roll around in the stuff or we can look unto the Lord and rejoice in Him. We have the freedom in Christ to educate ourselves in every perversion or we can learn good and uplifting things from Him. It is a decision we are free to make, but stare at the world's darkness for long and you will see strange things. Praise God that our Lord is so good at finding His wandering sheep and bringing us back to Him!

Rejoice in the love of Jesus this week!


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