Monday, October 09, 2017

Rejoicing in Hope

... rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; Romans 12:12

This verse is but a piece of a sentence from Paul, but oh what wonderful exhortations to us! Rejoice in how valuable the word of the Lord may be to us with just one verse. Notice the weight of teaching with just three little groups of words. We need much context with this lesson, but the Holy Spirit responds to the word with the riches of grace and faith.

Rejoicing in hope: Yes, we live in a fallen world struggling to pull a living out of a cursed soil. Whatever our job or profession there seldom seems to be enough for us to harvest. Yet, we have a great hope in Jesus, who has gone to prepare a place for us in Heaven. And it is this hope that allows us to be...

Patient in tribulation: The Lord said we would have it in this world (John 16:33) but to be of good cheer. Patience during the testing when suffering seems to be the only thing going for us is a tough road to walk. When pain comes, I think enviously of those Jesus healed with a touch, completely and in a moment. Healing that quickly has not happened yet for me, Peter's shadow has not fallen over me nor has the Master's touch been felt in my infirmity with an instant reprieve, but I do look forward to those healing leaves of Heaven. We have faith, and quite likely more help than we know in our Lord Jesus. We find our help and solace in...

Continuing steadfastly in prayer: It is our way to the Father's throne room, a small part of the sweet incense rising up before the Lord, our prayers are ever before Him. Steadfast prayer often comes to mind faster when the pain is more intense and longer lasting. However, Paul did not give us this advice for just those rough days but for everyday. Through steadfast prayer we can rejoice in hope on the good days too. Be of good cheer for one day we will no longer need patience in tribulation, and the rejoicing will begin for good!

Have a great week, winter is here!

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