Friday, October 27, 2017

Comes The Cold

From the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind,
And cold from the scattering winds of the north. Job 37:9

I'm not sure why cold should be so much on my mind this morning, but the front that arrived yesterday might have something to do with it. The days have not yet reached Halloween and it is only 21° outside. Brrr! The house even sounds different when the temperature drops low.

I see that in the time of Job, which we are not sure what BC that is exactly, but Job lived sometime between Adam and Malachi, perhaps before even Moses' time. And in that time, the winds blew the cold down from the north just like in our time. At least we know that Job lived north of the equator, or maybe the equator hadn't been invented yet. Some things just haven't changed in the centuries between us and Job.

In the Olden Testament times they waited on Jesus to come, just as we wait on our Lord to come now. They did not know the date of His arrival and neither do we know the hour and day of His return. On a particular night in the winter months someone probably asked Job, "Is it cold enough for ya?" And Job wept for the many zillions of times that question would be asked by future generations before someone finally got tired of it. Of course once we grow some fruit of the Spirit we will patiently endure all things - even the seventy three thousand nine hundred sixty fifth time we must hear that dreadful question!

Happy Friday in Christ!
Bucky P.S. I copy this from my e-mail posting and I see that poor Job got left dangling in his time in an incomplete sentence. How dreadful! B

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