Friday, August 25, 2017

Slinging The Stumbling Block

So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way. Romans 14:12-13

Paul included himself in a bit of slapstick going on in the Roman church - they were tripping each other up. Yes, probably a bit more serious than that. Paul asked for a resolution from the church that all of us avoid slinging a stumbling block into each other's path. Paul also addressed judging one another. No, Paul didn't include himself, did he? Does not our Lord only send us writers and ministers who have perfected their walk in Christ already?

Since Jesus ascended, I would venture out on a very short and stout limb to say: there has not been one perfect or perfected writer or minister sent to us. All of us who have taken up the pen (or keyboard), all who have stood in the pulpit, and any Christian with a kind word on the street has given cause in the secret places of the mind to be judged guilty. Yet, Jesus and then Paul said to us: don't judge others. How very odd.

Sorry, but if I had to write from perfection or wait until Christ has perfected me before His Father God, not one devotional writing would have passed my little fingers thus far. I'm not special in that; every minister, singer, preacher, and writer who has been saved by the blood of the Lamb will not claim perfection in themselves. Oh, but what about the Lord? Does He not inspire, remind us of scripture, and strengthen us to the task? Well, yes, every one of us who believe in Christ Jesus depends upon His Holy Spirit to send a message of good news out to the corners of the world. Those messages may not be spoken or written purrfectley, but our Lord uses them to spread the good news of His kingdom.

Thank You, Dear Lord, for using such fallen, reborn, hurting, healing, sinful, justified, imperfect, crippled up, shut in, stumbling, bumbling and fumbling folks such as we are to share Your gospel!


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