Friday, August 04, 2017

God is Near

The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart,
And saves such as have a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18

Anyone proud of his or her pride, and strange as that may seem it certainly happens, will never know the presence of God like the repentant soul. David writes to tell us the key to salvation is the Lord, but the conditions wherein the Lord does His saving work are brokenness and contrition. That is of course the work of our dear Lord's Holy Spirit preparing that hardened spiritual ground for the planting of the seed of salvation. It is an earthy sort of metaphor, but from the dust we came and years of spiritual drought, likely brought on by that pride, produces some hard, tough soil in the heart of the human spirit.

When does the Lord draw near to us? When the heart is prepared to receive Him of course. No sense knocking on a door that is barred within and without, and the hinges are rusted in place from a lack of use. Yes, the Lord in His almighty power could break the door down, but that is not like Him. Love does not blast down doors. Love waits patiently for the door to be opened. Pride is not conducive to door opening; a broken heart is those bars laying splintered off to the side, and a contrite spirit is one that will oil the hinges and make sure the door swings freely.

The Lord is near because a broken heart and contrite spirit are ready for Him. Salvation is of the Lord, and, after that,

Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
​​But the LORD delivers him out of them all. (v19)
Love in the Lord!

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