Tuesday, August 29, 2017

School's Out For Summer! Nope, It's Over.

For the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
And its place remembers it no more. Psalm 103:16

Yes, the cyclical nature of events that Solomon noted in Ecclesiastes has come 'round again and the schools are open this morning to receive those who just finished enjoying a long summer vacation. I always feel a bit of the sadness in the air, and I don't even have to go! Well, I must not be looking toward those mothers who are jumping for joy and looking forward to a little time to themselves and a break from the summer noise.

The wind has passed over the summer school break, and it is gone.

It is no more.

It is a dead parrot.

Some of you will get that reference.

We can mourn over what has passed, or we can look to the joy that is in the day. In this time, it will always be easier for some than others. When Job was afflicted, his servants and children suffered too, but for the raiders who had stolen Job's herds it was probably a time for celebration. Often it is that way in this world. Some few raiders celebrate the consummation of a large deal and enjoy their bonus, while for others far away they are consumed with fear and worry by the loss of their jobs.

What we look forward to is that day when all of us will celebrate the return of our Lord Jesus, and no one has to lose anything! Anyone who wants to believe in Him can come; all have received an express invitation from the Spirit and the Bride. Alas, on that day too some will refuse the invitation and be left out of the banquet.

Accept His invitation and come to the wedding!


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