Tuesday, August 23, 2016

We Must Trust There Too

I was thinking this morning about moving. Not, as in me moving to another town, but the state of people moving in general. We are fairly nomadic here in this nation; we tend to follow the herds of jobs from place to place. Along the way, whether we move or we stay, we tend to, oh might as well admit it, judge others. If you stay in a place you might apply that rat title to someone who is deserting the ship. If you move you might assume the staying fellow has his head stuck in the sand, that he can't see the incoming tide and will drown in his inertia. Maybe you even call him 'coward' for not moving or not staying depending upon which you are not doing. It's just terrible to see all those others be so wrong, isn't it?

No, what I was thinking is that we must trust that God is leading our brothers and sisters in Christ too. While the moves in life that other fellow makes may seem perplexing to me, trusting in God's providence goes for him too. I don't get to decide for him; he and God are taking care of him. The great thing is that God has him safely held, whether he is making the biggest mistake of his life or not.

I'm not always so thrilled that God lets me make the big mistakes in life, but I am glad that He picks me up and helps me to learn from them. I can learn that not only is He trustworthy and good, but that I don't need to make those same mistakes again. One of those big mistakes is of course judging where God is leading my neighbor. I'll just let Him take care of that move!

Have a great and fearless day in Christ,

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