Thursday, August 25, 2016

Remaining True To The Message

I'm really torqued this morning. An allegation has been made and the punishment of the accused has begun; some have even convicted the man already in their minds. Yet, this week my devotional writing is dedicated to God's goodness. In the face of injustice in the world (conviction in a trial is supposed to come before any punishment) how do we remain true to the message? It is not easy.

Of course if following our wonderful Lord Jesus were easy, many more would do it. Our Lord faced the difficulty of punishment before any trial. Many had Him convicted in their hearts before any legal proceedings occurred. All that human nature offers up while ignorance rules in the heart is known and was experienced by our Savior. He knows what it feels like when public opinion turns in the blink of an eye. So where is God's goodness when a person is jailed (held pending trial is the popular and legal euphemism) before any conviction is obtained?

If I want to write about the fallen world and its ways, then God's goodness is indeed hard to discover. The world and its ways are at war with God and His ways; I am looking in the wrong directions if I seek God's goodness in the fallen world. Jesus said, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." (Matt 6:33) Jesus spoke of the things we worry about, and this week I am concerned over finding God's goodness displayed in this fallen world. So, my direction from the Lord is to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. And indeed, once I look in the right direction, then the Spirit adds to me the knowledge of where God's goodness stands in this dark age. The obvious answer is, right where it was as His Son died on the cross.

The entire world is our trial for sin, and we stand convicted. In God's goodness, we are not facing punishment because of one man, or that should be, One Man. We like to capitalize our Lord Jesus because He is deserving of all honor. The world may take away our freedom in many ways prior to the return of our Lord, but it can never take away Jesus from the heart of the believer. And that is God's goodness. Amen.

Your brother in Christ,

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