Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Rest, God's Gift to the Tired and Weary

What a morning! This was one of those fortunately rare mornings in which I had a hard time getting up and going. I was however ready to get up and take on the day at 12:18 am for some odd reason. I guess I should have gone ahead and gone to work at that time. Of course, as you well know, I would have been ready to quit the day right about now had I attempted such a foolish thing. Rest is a gift from God and necessary for the health of mind and body. I'm not sure whether it is what I ate the night before, anxiety doing its terrible work in me, the wages of sin, or just a day and night out of sync, but sometimes the rest is too short, the morning too quick to come, the day too long, or I'm just plain goofy and somehow the rest I pursued eluded my grasping and sleepy fingers. Maybe I just didn't do enough actual work yesterday.

We have a host of reasons why things don't go perfectly or even anywhere close to perfectly in this life. Only Jesus did everything perfectly and I don't know how He did it. Of course, not having the fallen nature from Adam may have a little something to do with it. Let's see, constant obedience to the Father's will may have a bit more. No sin in His life, constant love and devotion to His Father and all those around Him, perfect selflessness, and I think we may be onto something here. Our Lord worked hard and rested well.

Rest is God's gift to the tired and weary. Jesus invited us to come to Him and He would give us rest.(Matt 11:28). God made the same promise to the Israelites back in the day. (Exodus 33:14). We also get some trials and tribulations in this life like poor Job. We may not get a good rest one night, or perhaps a few nights in a row. The gift of rest may be elusive when we look into the darkness instead of being fixed on our Lord and Savior. The good news is that Jesus is always with us, and tonight we get to try again for that gift of sweet rest.

Trust in Him, and of course do your best not to rest too much at work today. Wait, it was me that had the rough night. Did I forget already? This does not bode well for the day! :-)


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