Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Life Reversal

Already this morning I have made two egregious gaffs, what will the remainder of this day be like? To be sure, I looked up the word 'egregious' and found as expected that it means: outstandingly bad; shocking. The funny thing is the archaic definition which was: remarkably good. What happened to this poor word? It seems to have suffered a serious life reversal. That reminds me of what happened to our Lord.

Sure, one might think of His entry into Jerusalem that we celebrate as Palm Sunday and then His rejection by the same crowd at His trial, but I was thinking today of His coming down from Heaven. It might seem a terrible reversal to enjoy a place as the Son of God in Heaven and then to be born into this world suffering what we suffer and seeing the terrible suffering of others, and it most certainly was. However, we are told in the Bible that Jesus volunteered through His great love in order that we might be saved.

Serious life reversals come to many of us, but seldom is it voluntary. Usually, we try with all our might to avoid such things; what with them being the frightening and uncomfortable adventures that they are. Only a greater love must be present in our Lord Jesus that He would give up Heaven to die for the likes of us. How remarkably good is our great God!

Merry Christmas!

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