Saturday, March 28, 2015

What Would Have Been

What a great gift God gives to us by withholding the knowledge of what would have been. I've done it before, most likely you have as well. We look back and think on what would have been if we had just made this decision differently, or spent a bit more time hitting the books in school. Why not imagine a future/present time as Superman if you had eaten Brussels sprouts for every meal? A career as a superhero not looking so palatable now? Yeah, me too.

If we knew the would have beens and might have beens we might truly have cause to despair by this point in life. I would wager that there is not one among us who cannot think of one mistake or sin or, uh, crime, that he or she does not regret from the past. Dickens let his Scrooge character see a tough might-have-been when the Christmas spirit showed poor Ebenezer his former lady love enjoying a rich Christmas celebration with her brood of children. Of course a fiction tale is allowed to do that. We don't know these things and it is dangerous to think on them. God withholds that knowledge for good reason. After we thank God that we do not and cannot know those wouldabeens, we can trust Him for our Now. Yes, the one you and I live in Christ right now.

Tomorrow, we celebrate the anniversary of Jesus entering Jerusalem just before the city turned on Him and demanded the life of their Savior. I enjoy thinking of how our Lord did not have one regret from His life, no could-have-beens, no what-if's, or even a might-have-been. How did the Lord do this? He simply did only and everything that the Father gave Him to do. Hmm, could be there is a lesson in that life!

Have a marvelous Palm Sunday!


P.S. And watch out for these things:

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